1. Wiggle Wiggle
2. Under The Red Sky
3. Unbelievable
4. Born In Time
5. T.V. Talkin' Song
6. 10,000 Men
7. 2 X 2
8. God Knows
9. Handy Dandy
10. Cat's In The Well
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a gypsy queen
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle all dressed in green
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle ’til the moon is blue
Wiggle ’til the moon sees you
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle in your boots and shoes
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, you got nothing to lose
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a swarm of bees
Wiggle on your hands and knees
Wiggle to the front, wiggle to the rear
Wiggle ’til you wiggle right out of here
Wiggle ’til it opens, wiggle ’til it shuts
Wiggle ’til it bites, wiggle ’til it cuts
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a bowl of soup
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a rolling hoop
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a ton of lead
Wiggle, you can raise the dead
Wiggle ’til you’re high, wiggle ’til you’re higher
Wiggle ’til you vomit fire
Wiggle ’til it whispers, wiggle ’til it hums
Wiggle ’til it answers, wiggle ’til it comes
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like satin and silk
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle like a pail of milk
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, rattle and shake
Wiggle like a big fat snake
There was a little boy and there was a little girl
And they lived in an alley under the red sky
There was a little boy and there was a little girl
And they lived in an alley under the red sky
There was an old man and he lived in the moon
One summer’s day he came passing by
There was an old man and he lived in the moon
And one day he came passing by
Someday little girl, everything for you is gonna be new
Someday little girl, you’ll have a diamond as big as your shoe
Let the wind blow low, let the wind blow high
One day the little boy and the little girl were both baked in a pie
Let the wind blow low, let the wind blow high
One day the little boy and the little girl were both baked in a pie
This is the key to the kingdom and this is the town
This is the blind horse that leads you around
Let the bird sing, let the bird fly
One day the man in the moon went home and the river went dry
Let the bird sing, let the bird fly
When in the moon, you know, never river went fly
It’s unbelievable, it’s strange but true
It’s inconceivable it could happen to you
You’re goin’ north and you’re goin’ south
Just like bait in the fish’s mouth
Must be livin’ in the shadow of some kind evil star
It’s unbelievable it would get this far
It’s undeniable what they’d have you to think
It’s indescribable, it can drive you to drink
They said it was the land of milk and honey
Now they say it’s the land of money
Who ever thought they’d ever make that stick
It’s unbelievable you can get this rich this quick
Every head is so dignified
Every moon is so sanctified
Every urge is so satisfied as long as you’re with me
All the silver, all the gold
All the sweethearts you can hold
That don’t come back with stories untold
Are hanging on a tree
It’s unbelievable like a lead balloon
So impossible to even learn the tune
Kill that beast and feed that swine
Scale that wall and smoke that vine
Feed that horse and saddle up the drum
It’s unbelievable, the day would finally come
Once there was a man who had no eyes
Every lady in the land told him lies
He stood beneath the silver sky and his heart beat could bleed
Every brain is civilized
Every nerve is analyzed
Everything is criticized when you are in need
It’s unbelievable, it’s fancy-free
So interchangeable, so delightful to see
Turn your back, wash your hands
There’s always someone who understands
It don’t matter no more what you got to say
It’s unbelievable it go down this way
In the lonely night
In the blinking stardust of a pale blue light
You’re comin’ thru to me in black and white
When we were made of dreams
You’re blowing down the shaky street
You’re hearing my heart beat
In the record-breaking heat
Where we were born in time
Not one more night, not one more kiss
Not this time baby, no more of this
Takes too much skill, takes too much will
It’s too revealing
You came, you saw, just like the law
You married young, just like your ma
You tried and tried, you made me slide
You left me reelin’ with this feelin’
On the rising curve
Where the ways of nature will test every nerve
You won’t get anything you don’t deserve
Where we were born in time
You pressed me once, you pressed me twice
You hang the flame, you’ll pay the price
Oh babe, that fire
Is still smokin’
You were snow, you were rain
You were striped, you were plain
Oh babe, truer words
Have not been spoken or broken
In the hills of mystery
In the foggy web of destiny
You can have what’s left of me
Where we were born in time
One time in London I’d gone out for a walk
Past a place called Hyde Park where people talk
’Bout all kinds of different gods, they have their point of view
To anyone passing by, that’s who they’re talking to
There was someone on a platform talking to the folks
About the T.V. god and all the pain that it invokes
“It’s too bright a light,” he said, “for anybody’s eyes
If you’ve never seen one it’s a blessing in disguise”
I moved in closer, got up on my toes
Two men in front of me were coming to blows
The man was saying something ’bout children when they’re young
Being sacrificed to it while lullabies are being sung
“The news of the day is on all the time
All the latest gossip, all the latest rhyme
Your mind is your temple, keep it beautiful and free
Don’t let egg get laid never some you can’t see”
“Pray for peace!” he said. You could feel it in the crowd
My thoughts began to wander but his voice was ringing loud
“It will destroy your family, your happy home is gone
No one can protect you from it once you turn it on”
“It will lead you into some strange pursuits
Lead you to the land of forbidden fruits
Scramble up your head and drag your brain about
Sometimes you gotta do like Elvis did and shoot the damn thing out”
“It’s all been designed,” he said, “to make you lose your mind
And when you go back to find it, there’s nothing there to find
Every time you look at it, your situation’s worse
If you feel it grabbing out for you, send for the nurse"
The crowd began to riot and they grabbed hold of the man
There was pushing, there was shoving and everybody ran
T.V. crew was there to film it, they jumped right over me
Later on that evening, I watched it on T.V.
10,000 MEN
Ten thousand men on a hill
Ten thousand men on a hill
Some of ’m goin’ down, some of ’m gonna get killed
Ten thousand men dressed in oxford blue
Ten thousand men dressed in oxford blue
Drummin’ in the morning, in the evening they’ll be coming for you
Ten thousand men on the move
Ten thousand men on the move
None of them doing nothin’ that your mama wouldn’t disapprove
Ten thousand men digging for silver and gold
Ten thousand men digging for silver and gold
All clean shaven, all coming in from the cold
Hey! Who could your lover be?
Hey! Who could your lover be?
Let me eat off his head and you can really see!
Ten thousand women all dressed in white
Ten thousand women all dressed in white
Standin’ at my window wishing me goodnight
Ten thousand men looking so lean and frail
Ten thousand men looking so lean and frail
Each one of ’m got seven wives, each one of ’m just out of jail
Ten thousand women all sweepin’ my room
Ten thousand women all sweepin’ my room
Spilling my buttermilk, sweeping it up with a broom
Ooh, baby, thank you for my tea!
Baby, thank you for my tea!
It’s really so sweet of you to be so nice to me
2 X 2
One by one, they followed the sun
One by one, until there were none
Two by two, to their lovers they flew
Two by two, into the foggy dew
Three by three, they danced on the sea
Four by four, they danced on the shore
Five by five, they tried to survive
Six by six, they were playing with tricks
How many paths did they try and fail?
How many of their brothers and sisters lingered in jail?
How much poison did they inhale?
How many black cats crossed their trail?
Seven by seven, they headed for heaven
Eight by eight, they got to the gate
Nine by nine, they drank the wine
Ten by ten, they drank it again
How many tomorrows have they given away?
How many compared to yesterday?
How many more without any reward?
How many more can they afford?
Two by two, they step into the ark
Two by two, they step in the dark
Three by three, they’re turning the key
Four by four, they turn it some more
One by one, they follow the sun
Two by two, to another rendezvous
Three by three don’t tread on me
For by for they’re losing the war
Five by five can’t stay alive...
God knows you ain’t pretty
God knows it’s true
God knows there ain’t anybody
Ever gonna take the place of you
God knows it’s a struggle
God knows it’s a crime
God knows there’s gonna be no more water
But fire next time
God don’t call it treason
God don’t call it wrong
It was supposed to last a season
But it’s been so strong for so long
God knows it’s fragile
God knows everything
God knows it could snap apart right now
Just like putting scissors to a string
God knows it’s terrifying
God sees it all unfold
There’s a million reasons for you to be crying
You been so bold and so cold
God knows that when you see it
God knows you’ve got to weep
God knows the secrets of your heart
He’ll tell them to you when you’re asleep
God knows there’s a river
God knows how to make it flow
God knows you ain’t gonna be taking
Nothing with you when you go
God knows there’s a purpose
God knows there’s a chance
God knows you can rise above the darkest hour
Of any circumstance
God knows there’s a heaven
God knows it’s out of sight
God knows we can get all the way from here to there
Even if we’ve got to walk a million miles by candlelight
Handy Dandy, controversy surrounds him
He been around the world and back again
Something in the moonlight still hounds him
Handy Dandy, just like sugar and candy
Handy Dandy, if every bone in his body was broken he would never admit it
He got an all-girl orchestra and when he says
“Strike up the band,” they hit it
Handy Dandy, Handy Dandy
You say, “What are ya made of?”
He says, “Can you repeat what you said?”
You’ll say, “What are you afraid of?”
He’ll say, “Nothin’! Neither ’live nor dead.”
Handy Dandy, he got a stick in his hand and a pocket full of money
He says, “Darling, tell me the truth, how much time I got?”
She says, “You got all the time in the world, honey”
Handy Dandy, Handy Dandy
He’s got that clear crystal fountain
He’s got that soft silky skin
He’s got that fortress on the mountain
With no doors, no windows, so no thieves can break in
Handy Dandy, sitting with a girl named Nancy in a garden feelin’ kind of lazy
He says, “and you want a gun, I’ll give ya one.” She says, “Boy, you talking crazy”
Handy Dandy, just like sugar and candy
Handy Dandy, pour another brandy
Handy Dandy, he got a basket of flowers and a bag full of sorrow
He finishes his drink, he gets up from the table, he says
“Okay, boys, I’ll see you tomorrow”
Handy Dandy, Handy Dandy, just like sugar and candy
Handy Dandy, just like sugar and candy
The cat’s in the well, the wolf is looking down
The cat’s in the well, the wolf is looking down
He got his big bushy tail dragging all over the ground
The cat’s in the well, the gentle lady is asleep
Cat’s in the well, gentle lady is asleep
She ain’t hearing a thing, silence is a-stickin’ her deep
Cat’s in the well and grief is showing its face
The world’s being slaughtered and such a bloody disgrace
The cat’s in the well, horse is going bumpety bump
The cat’s in the well, and the horse is going bumpety bump
Back alley Sally is doing the American jump
Cat’s in the well, and Papa is reading the news
His hair’s falling out and all of his daughters need shoes
The cat’s in the well and the barn is full of bull
The cat’s in the well and the barn is full of bull
The night is so long and the table is oh, so full
The cat’s in the well and the servant is at the door
The drinks are ready and the dogs are going to war
The cat’s in the well, the leaves are starting to fall
The cat’s in the well, leaves are starting to fall
Goodnight, my love, may the Lord have mercy on us all
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